A new Release! Posted by Forceflow
Great news! We have another beauty ready for you to enjoy. This time it's Marco Antonio's wonderful System Patrol craft! As always it's stunning and personally I love what he did with the design. Just great work, so make sure you give it a real close fly-by before you blow it to bits and pieces.
And as always some screenies to make you drool
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20 Years ago... X-Wing - Space Combat Simulator Posted by Forceflow
Oh man... 20 years ago, that is one freaking long time. Still can remember playing that one. I used to play that game at my neighbors due to a serious lack of 'having-my-own-PC' when it came out. Was my first game I bought as soon as I finally had my very own PC 2 years later. (I bought it together with Tie Fighter and the expansions)
Boy do I miss it, I really can't understand why there was never anything real after X-Wing Alliance
Sadly besides this there's really nothing new to report. (As the few regular visitors certainly know) It's been awfully quiet here for quite a while again. But, we are still here, and the models are still for grabs!
May the force be with you!
Discuss this nostalgic bit of news here